Planned Giving

Our Mission

NEW LIFE, HEALTHY COMMUNITY Caring for new life, educating and supporting caregivers, ensuring a healthier future through nurturing, treating those who are ill, and caring for those who are dying with dignity and respect. This is the important work carried out every day at Iredell Health System, profoundly impacting the health and wellbeing of Iredell County residents and beyond. You, too, can make an impact - one that ensures Iredell's vital mission continues well into the future - with a legacy gift to the Iredell Health Foundation. We strive to make your giving experience as personally fulfilling and rewarding as possible, as we both work toward the greater good of the communities we serve.

Our purpose is to provide advanced healthcare while maintaining the warmth and compassion of a community hospital, giving our patients the peace of mind that they are getting the best medical care available, which is comprised of:

A 247-bed community hospital and more than 20 outpatient clinics in Iredell, Alexander, and Davie counties.

  • Home health services.
  • Advanced and innovative radiology services.
  • A variety of medical specialists.
  • Nationally recognized maternity services.
  • A dedicated staff of more than 1,700 individuals and 265 physicians.

With funds supporting all areas of patient care, continued education, and healthcare programming - all with the flexibility to structure a legacy gift customized to your goals - the Iredell Health Foundation offers many mutually beneficial giving options.
